Denial is part of addiction. Along with the physical and mental dependency on a drug or substance, many have the inability to acknowledge that there is anything wrong with the addiction. They hide it, deny it, and refuse to face that the substance is in control and not themselves. They can justify and support their continued use despite all the evidence or despite any negative consequences that the drug usage may have.
If they are fired for not showing up on time or for unacceptable work, it is the company or the boss who has it out for them. If a family member or friend calls them on out of character behavior they deny a problem, turn the argument around, or blame anything and everything but themselves.
This is called denial, and it comes in many forms – blaming, playing the victim, anger, fear etc. Along with denial, an addict must deal with pride and ego, two of the worst enemies of addiction, as they will undoubtedly keep an addict or alcoholic using until they reach one of three inevitable ends – jails, institutions, or death.
It is extremely difficult to watch a loved one tear themselves, everyone, and everything around them apart. To self-destruct under the influence of a drug or addiction. Many friends and family want to help the individual stop, stop the addiction, stop the denial, and stop the inevitable end of addiction. Sometimes no matter what family, freinds, and even health care professionals try an individual is going to need to hit rock bottom – before they really want to stop the addiction and begin recovery. But sometimes friends and family can stage an intervention to convince them to go to drug rehab and stop the cycle of addiction and a down-ward spiral from hitting rock bottom.
An intervention is a planned meeting there are family interventions, crisis interventions, and other types of interventions. The intervention has a set plan and process for helping freinds and family reach the addict and help them get through their denial and recognize their alcohol or substance abuse.
They attempt to bring reality to the addict, by identifing their behavior and getting them to own up to a problem. Intervention is not easy but if handled in a loving non-violet way can break down the denial barriers. A successful intervention typically includes a small dedicate group of friends, family, and loved ones, a professional to facilitate the intervention, plan a drug rehab program, plan the intervention, outline the consequences of failure to attend the treatment, and a plan to get the person to the treatment immediately upon their agreement.
Remember a successful intervention could be the difference between help in a drug rehab program or jail time and death. It is worth the effort and pain for the reward of a loved one free from the influence of addiction.