Different Drug Addiction Rehab Procedures & Ways for Treatment

Which drug rehab program works better—an “in your face” type program (think “boot camp”) or a “kinder-gentler” type?


“In your face” programs tend to lean towards using humiliation and confrontation as approaches to treatment. The idea behind this is to “break” a person, or make that person feel so ashamed and humiliated that he or she will want to quit taking drugs.


To this end, some facilities, which practice this type of treatment, may require patients to perform tasks as part of the treatment. “So?”, one may think, “a little work never hurt anybody.” True, but in these type programs (not all, mind you, but in most) the work assignments tend to really factor in the humiliation. Cleaning toilets, cleaning garbage cans, mopping floors, the “scut work”.


The patients may also have to sit through sessions in which they are belittled, insulted, and generally made to feel like an all-around loser—something they probably have already figured out, and don’t need to be reminded of. Further, there may be little or no emphasis placed on helping them find a way to change that.


A “soft-touch” drug rehab program, on the other rather hand, tends to see the patient as someone who knows he or she is an addict and wants to help him or her recover. The facts of the addiction are not “sugar-coated”; however, the emphasis is on overcoming the problem.


To this end, facilities offering this type of treatment will provide assistance with the “detox” or withdrawal stage (if they are set up to do so.) They will then help the patient concentrate on returning to a normal, drug-free life.


“In your face” programs might work with teenagers, especially those who are not “too far gone”. It probably would not be a good idea for an adult.