No one drug rehab program can claim to be “the one.” What works for one person may not even begin to address the addiction problems of another person. A drug rehab program will be as individual as the person participating in it.
One such program may consist of individual counseling and treatment. Everything will be tailored and geared to the one patient for whom the program is being designed. The patient will decide how long the treatment will be, while still keeping in mind the ultimate goal – that of becoming drug-free and remaining so.
Another person may feel that the only way the addiction problem can be addressed is through strict adherence to a set course of treatment. This person may literally want to be in a program where he or she is told when to get up, when and what to eat, when to attend therapy and education sessions – in short, the only thing that patient wants to have to think about is getting off the drug(s) that put him or her there in the first place.
Another program may begin by the patient first undergoing “rapid detox”; a method in which a patient is rendered unconscious for a period of time while the body is taken rapidly through the withdrawal phase. This is completed while the patient is under medical supervision. Once this has been accomplished, the patient then enters the counseling and education process. This type of program is especially good when a person is battling an addiction to heroin, cocaine, certain prescription drugs, or other “hard” drug.
Again, there is no “one size fits all” drug rehab program. However, there are programs out there, and anyone who truly wants to beat a drug addiction, can find one that will work. It only takes a desire to really want to recover.