Ecstasy Rehab Program
MDMA (Ecstasy) Methylenedioximethampetamine
Ecstacy, MDMA, or 3,4 methylenedioxymethamphetamine, is a synthetic psychoactive drug, belonging to the amphetamine compound family. It is similar to both methamphetamine and mescaline, as it is both a stimulant and a psychedelic.
It was developed in Germany in the early 1900’s as a parent compound to enable the synthesization of pharmaceuticals. Alexander Schulgin, a California chemist known as the “father of MDMA” was the first to discover its mood altering effects. He introduced ecstasy into the psychiatric community, where it was dubbed as “penicillin for the soul”, and used in treatment despite the lack of clinical research on the effects of the drug.
It became available on the streets as a recreational drug in the late 1970’s, and today is the most popular psychoactive drug among teenagers, young adults, and followers of the club drug scene.
Ecstasy usually is taken orally in tablet or capsule form. Typically a pill consists of sixty to a hundred and twenty milligrams of the drug. Effects can last from three to six hours, at the standard dose of two tablets.
One of the most dangerous aspects of ecstasy use is the popular habit of “bumping”, or taking another pill as the sensations wear off. MDMA interferes with it’s own metabolism, so harmful levels of the drug are often reached with repeated doses in short intervals. This could lead to an overload of the drug within the system and possibly cause an overdose reaction that could lead to death.
Ecstasy has many effects upon the user including mental stimulation, heightened sensory perception, and increased physical energy and stamina. While the drug does not induce hallucinations like LSD, it has been reported to lead to distortions in perception. Many have used the effects to enhance the feeling of euphoria. In an ecstasy drug rehab program an ecstasy addict is reprogramed to realize that they can have fun and an enjoyable “party” expereince without mind altering drugs.
While many users believe that ecstasy is a “safe” drug, this is not the case. It has a direct effect upon the brain by distorting communication between neurons and the neurotransmitter serotonin, important in regulating sexual activity, sleep, mood and sensitivity to pain.
Long term damage of chronic ecstasy use might include permanent malfunction of the neuron terminals affecting mood and judgment, kidney failure from a rapid increase in body temperature, memory loss, and cognitive failure.
Ecstasy is known for it’s impurity. It is often mixed or “cut” with a variety of other drugs including methamphetamine, caffeine, the cough suppressant dextromethorphan which is similar to PCP, ephedrine and cocaine.
Short term effects of ecstasy use include dehydration, overheating, nausea, increased blood pressure and heart rate, muscle tension, teeth clenching, blurred vision, profuse sweating, faintness, and chills. Many users also combine MDMA with alcohol which increases the chances of dehydration, hyperthermia, and overdose.
Tolerance develops quickly among those who take the drug repeatedly, forcing them to take more pills to achieve the desired effect. As the tolerance builds the severity of withdrawal symptoms increases, in ecstasy rehab programs, withdrawal can be handled through a monitored detoxification program which will assist the addict in controlling and overcoming the withdrawal symptoms.
Withdrawal symptoms are similar to an alcoholic “hangover” and include fatigue, loss of appetite, lethargy, muscle aches and lack of concentration. Another danger of MDMA is loss of sexual inhibition. This often leads to unprotected sex, increasing the chances of transmitted diseases such as Hepatitis and AIDS.
MDMA was illegalized in 1985 and classified as a Schedule I drug for having no specific medical purpose. You can get more information on an ecstasy rehab program that meets your needs from the qualified councelors at