Crack cocaine is liquid cocaine that has been heated and allowed to cool, thus becoming solid. This solid material is then smoked.
Because the cooking process usually burns away any impurities, the finished product is usually purer than other forms of cocaine. This makes the substance more addictive.
It is possible to become addicted after using crack cocaine just once. The high it produces is so intense, but so short-lived, that the urge to take more is stronger.
Persons who are using this form of cocaine will often have burns around the mouth and nose area. This is usually one of the first signs that a family member, friend, or someone else will have that a person is using this drug.
When someone sees the burns on another, that person should confront the user, in a loving and compassionate manner. It is at this time that offers to help in any way so that the person who is addicted might be persuaded to seek assistance should be made, and followed up on.
One might wish to tell the person that they will be glad to drive them and accompany them to meetings or counseling sessions designed to help a person become rehabilitated. Or, financial help can be given, as long as it is determined and assured that the money will go towards necessities, not drugs.
If the abuser enters a rehab or treatment program, the best form of help anyone can give is support. That will mean more than all the money or all the favors that can be done. Knowing that someone truly cares may be the incentive needed for the recovering person to want to truly succeed in once more becoming drug-free.