The decision to enter into and participate in a drug rehab program is the most important, yet the most difficult one that one who is suffering from drug addiction will ever make. It is fortunate that there are so many programs available.
Only the person who is addicted can make the decision as to which program is right for him or her. One program may work perfectly for one person, but turn out to be totally wrong for another. Trying out different programs is fine, as long as this process is not being used as an excuse not to decide on and begin a program.
Once a person has found, chosen, and started a drug rehab program, it is vitally important that the patient receive as much support and assistance from family members and friends as is feasibly possible. Knowing that the decision to finally take control of the addiction situation is being received positively by those besides the patient who were affected by the addiction, can only serve to encourage the patient to stick with the program and ultimately achieve success.
Programs designed for drug rehabilitation will encourage the participation of family members and possibly others who show a concern for the patient to provide their support as well. In turn, the family members and others will receive the help they need in dealing with and finally resolving the issues that came about as a result of the drug addiction.
The idea that no one, family or patient, is alone in the pursuit of the goal of rehabilitation will be very affirming to all those involved. The feeling that one will have of actually being able to do something will be one that probably had not been felt for a very long time. And, that is a good thing.