Methamphetamine, or meth addiction, as it is commonly referred to, is one of the worst drug addictions to have. It is also one of the hardest addictions to treat. Meth addiction happens so quickly because the effects of the drug hit so much rapidly and harder than other drugs. The pleasurable feeling that comes immediately upon taking meth fades even before the level of the drug in the blood has dropped. For this reason, meth users continue to use more of the drug more often.
It is easy to spot a person with a severe meth addiction. That person will have a grayish color to the skin. The teeth, if indeed any are left, are usually rotted or otherwise damaged. Large sores or bumps are present on the user’s face. Meth addiction causes a person to literally forget to eat or sleep. Meth abusers will almost always be thin; some are so thin they look like a walking skeleton. A strong body odor is present, not only because personal hygeine is neglected, but because of the chemicals used to make meth can be smelled as the body breaks them down.
All drugs can kill, but meth will do it a lot quicker than most of them. It is not at all unusual for a meth user’s first time to be the last time. Meth causes such a strong physical reaction, particularly to the heart, that very often the body cannot handle the strain that is put on it from the meth.
Meth addiction can be treated. It takes a lot of time, and a lot of support, but anyone who truly wishes to be meth-free can take advantage of the various treatment options available. Recovery will continue, probably for the rest of the person’s life, but it is possible.
Meth addiction probably happens faster than any other drug addiction, and it doesn’t matter whether or not someone may be more inclined to become addicted than another. For this reason, someone who is already using other drugs may think that he or she, based on their past drug experiences, may mistakenly believe that I won’t get addicted my first time.
Wrong! The feelings caused by meth (the word is short for methamphetamine, for those who may not know) usage are so intense and so powerful the FIRST TIME that the drug is used, that they can never be repeated. So are the feelings that come when the drug wears off, which it does rapidly.
When the user ‘crashes’, that is, gets over the ‘high’ that taking meth caused, the feelings of depression and the urge to take more can be as strong as if this was the tenth time rather than just the first time. The body just cannot tell the difference. The meth doesn’t care, either (if a drug can have an emotion). It doesn’t care if this is someone’s first time to ever take any drug, or to be trying meth, or what. It just goes right on causing those ‘really up there’ highs and ‘those really down there’ lows.
So, what does this tell us? It is not a drug that can be ‘played with’. Rarely, rarely, does anyone walk away from meth after just one time. It just doesn’t happen that often. So, why take that chance? How about this? Don’t do meth. Don’t do drugs, period. But, for sure, don’t do meth. It’s just not worth it.
Meth addiction still remains a major problem. And, unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to be getting any better.
Any addiction can cause death. But, meth involves mixing chemicals that were not meant for human consumption (heck, they’re barely meant for human USE, and then only with extreme caution) with some things that humans can take (cold medicines, for instance).
Meth addiction- OK, just meth use, period, is a whole nother ball of wax. Not only can a person be poisoned on the inside by the chemicals that were used to make the meth, but outside damage can occur as well.
Some of the chemicals, even before they are mixed to make the meth, are harmful if spilled on the skin in their undiluted form. When mixed, the vapors themselves can actually cause worse skin burns or blistering than just one chemical being spilled onto skin.
And, breathing ammonia or bleach or any other caustic substance can literally “eat the lungs” away, so imagine what breathing that ” witch’s brew” that is concocted when making meth can do to a body.
Already, it is impossible to get some types of over-the-counter cold medicines without going directly to a pharmacy. And, now, it’s been discovered that purchases of bleach, ammonia, and other ingredients that have been known to be used in meth production are being tracked. If it seems that too much is being bought in too short a time, then a raised flag is raised.
Does this mean that someone who is buying ten gallons of bleach because he or she is going to pressure-wash their house could be considered a meth maker? Could be. And, that isn’ t really fair, although the logic does make a little sense.
But, can’t something else be done to “separate the wheat from the chaff”? Any ideas?