October 21-27 was Red Ribbon Week (at least it was in some states). During this time, a LOT of attention was paid to drug abuse, with emphasis on NEVER BEGINNING to take drugs. This year, it focused on prescription drug abuse. More about that in a later blog.
Anyway, besides giving info on that particular form of abuse, it did provide addiction treatment resources for people who are or think they are or think they may be or think they know someone who is addicted to drugs or alcohol. One of the resources was addiction counselors.
It would seem that addiction counselors would only be employed in those facilities that offer addiction treatment. That ain’t necessarily so (pardon the grammar). Some counselors can be considered “personal addiction counselors”.
In other words, a particular addiction counselor may not be affiliated or considered on staff at any one specific facility. Oh, he or she probably has “practice privileges” at a facility, in case a patient needs more help than the counselor might can provide at the moment, but the counselor is considered “private” or “independent”.
Sounds like a pretty good idea. Well, think about it. If a counselor wants to approach addiction treatment from a faith-based (or Christian, if one prefers) standpoint, then he or she can do that, and can make sure that anyone who is seeking that particular type of counseling knows of the practice.
Another counselor may wish to limit his or her practice to adolescents, but not be affiliated with a facility designed for this age group. A few strategically placed business cards in a pediatrician’s office, or family practice office, might just point a teenager who knows he or she needs help in the right direction.
Hey, again, if it works to get a person “clean and sober”, then good! That’s what important!