Alcohol is a substance that, when used responsibly, can supplement a social affair nicely. The key phrase here is ‘when used responsibly.’ Plenty of people underestimate the effect alcohol will have on their system and think themselves capable of driving. Deaths from motor vehicle accidents involving drunk drivers reached 17,941 in 2006, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation. This was the highest number in the past 14 years and accounted for 41 percent of all traffic-related deaths in 2006.
These sobering statistics are reason enough to understand how alcohol can affect a body:
- Dehydration
- Exaggerated emotions
- Loss of muscle control
- Slower reaction time
- Slurred speech
- Blurred vision
- Fatigue
- Reduced social inhibitions
Abuse of alcohol can contribute to or directly cause a variety of illnesses, including liver disease and an increased risk of cancer among heavy drinkers. Increased weight gain is another side effect of alcohol, particularly with beer consumption. This, in turn, can lead to a variety of weight-related afflictions, like diabetes or heart disease. While heart disease is one of the leading killers worldwide, moderate drinking can prolong the body’s resistance to it. However, heavy alcohol consumption or complete abstinence from alcohol can increase the risk of a heart attack or cardiovascular disease. Pregnant women should never consume alcohol. There is a grave risk of fetal alcohol syndrome, causing damage to the unborn baby’s brain and central nervous system, among other things. There is no proven study that alcohol in moderation is bad for one’s health or life quality. However, the loss of inhibitions and basic motor skills due to alcohol consumption is taking it too far. Dependence on or abuse of alcohol are also warning signs. Knowing physical limits and keeping in mind the possible disastrous effects of alcohol when used in excess can help a person keep their consumption in check.
Many times when someone has been drinking for a long time, and has issues with alcoholism, there are going to be physical damages that are done to the person’s body.
If someone has a problem with alcohol, or drinks alcohol often, there will be physical effects that occur. These effects might be hard to see, but they will be there. If a person is drinking an excessive amount of alcohol, these effects are going to be far worse. If a person is only a social drinker, they might see little or no physical changes from drinking alcohol. The amount you take in certainly does matter. Social drinkers may drink alcohol on a regular basis, but not to excess. If alcohol is consumed in small amounts, and not very often, it can pass through the body without having much of an effect. In fact, in some countries, alcohol is used regularly, and no ill effects are seen from it.
However, physical signs are prevalent when someone uses alcohol often, and uses a lot of it. A person who is using alcohol to excess is going to have physical signs and symptoms of a developing or ongoing drug addiction. They might not be sleeping as well as they should be, and will wake up feeling like they are not well rested. Their cells will not be getting enough oxygen, so they will feel sluggish and tired no matter how often they sleep. They might have chronic headaches or muscle aches because of the adverse effect of alcohol on their bodies. These effects are things that are bothersome to people, but the are often effects that will go away once someone has stopped using too much alcohol.
Unfortunately, there are much more serious effects of alcohol that are harder to cure when a person has stopped drinking a lot. Alcohol has adverse affects on your liver and kidneys, and slows down the functions of these organs. It also prevents blood from getting the oxygen it needs, so all of your organs will be affected by drinking too much. Alcohol might erode the lining of your stomach and your throat, so you will have problems with heartburn and upset stomachs because of alcohol. It will also constrict the movement of your blood vessels in all parts of your body. Every part of your body is going to be negatively affected by alcoholism.
People who have been drinking a lot of alcohol for a long time are going to have very decreased blood flow and major issues with their livers and kidneys. People who have alcoholism are going to have many more health issues, and they are also at higher risk of suffering heart attacks or strokes. Because of their bad habits in their lifestyle, they are not going to be eligible to receive transplants for kidney and liver failure unless they can successfully stop drinking.
The physical effects of alcoholism also occur when someone is drinking. Alcohol has a negative effect on the way people perceive the world. It slows down your reaction time, and makes it harder to notice small details. It also can be a depressant, so people who drink a lot are more prone to depression. Alcoholism is a disease that can have a negative effect on every single part of your life. It is imperative that you seek help for your alcohol addiction before it is too late and there is nothing that can be done.