What are intensive out-patient Addiction Treatment programs?
Any time you are searching for professional help to overcome a substance dependency and recover from it, you have to determine whether you want to enter an in-patient facility or enroll in an intensive out-patient addiction treatment program. Where you are required to move into the former, the out-patient program enables you to conduct your daily life without interruption and then return home in the evenings. In most cases, out-patient programs offer many of the same services as what the in-patient program does, but there are key differences to be aware of such as the ones mentioned here.
Is intensive out-patient addiction treatment care right for you?
You will have to determine if you are a candidate for an in-patient or an out-patient program before making your final decision. Ask yourself the following questions in order to determine which program will be right for you:
- Do you have children at home that you are solely responsible for in the evenings? Are you the only parental figure in the household?
- Can you afford an in-patient addiction treatment and recovery program? Will your health insurance policy cover one or the other?
- Are you gainfully employed in a full-time job during the week or are you still pursuing your education?
- Do you fear the stigma that is associated with an in-patient program and how society will look at you?
These are the primary questions you need to ask yourself. If you answered “yes” to any of these, you will probably benefit from an intensive out-patient addiction treatment program rather than moving into an in-patient facility.
On the other hand, if any of the following questions are more applicable and you answered “yes” to any of them, then you may want to consider an in-patient rehab program:
- When you try to stop using, do you experience withdrawal symptoms?
- Have you been diagnosed with psychological problems such as anxiety disorders and panic attacks, bipolar disorder, depression, eating disorders, or schizophrenia?
- Are you living with individuals who have alcohol or drug dependency issues?
- Are bill collectors, ex-boyfriends or girlfriends, family members, and neighbors constantly hounding you about your substance dependency?
- Is your job so stressful that you have to have one or more drinks or use drugs at different times of the day just to cope?
Another issue that helps to determine whether you need to enter an in-patient program facility or enroll in an intensive out-patient addiction treatment program is the depth and severity of your addiction. Although you may or may not have to undergo detox in the out-patient program, the severity of your dependency may require entering an in-patient facility and undergoing that phase of the addiction treatment and recovery process.
For more information on the different intensive out-patient addiction treatment programs that we can refer you into, contact The Rehab Advisor today.