Meth addiction (meth is short for methamphetamine) is one of the fastest growing and most dangerous addictions there is today. It only takes ONE time of using meth for a person to become addicted.
Meth is made by cooking together different chemicals and materials, then injecting the liquid mixture. If the mixture is allowed to become solid, it can be then be smoked or snorted. No matter how it is taken into the body, though, it is harmful!
Family members, especially if the user is trying to make the drug in or around the home, are at risk. The smell alone of some of the chemicals that are used can cause severe damage to the nose and eyes, especially in young children. Accidental contact with any of the ingredients or with the finished product, can cause serious injury or death.
Children can actually absorb meth, in either its finished or unfinished form, through their skin. It then acts in exactly the same way as if it were taken into the body through the mouth, nose, vein, or any other way.
Some of the chemicals are highly inflammable, and can explode. When this occurs, it is not unusual for a house or outbuilding to be leveled, and damage to occur to adjacent structures. Further, the fumes can actually escape from the house and form a toxic cloud, causing forced evacuation.
Family members who suspect that a home or outbuilding is being used for meth production MUST call authorities. Yes, it may result in a loved one being arrested, but at least that person and everyone else will still be alive. Live people who are addicted can be rehabilitated; those who have suffered injury or illness can be treated. Dead people are dead, and can’t be helped. And, that’s how it is.