A drug rehabilitation center is designed for that purpose, and that purpose only – to help the person who needs to get off drugs and get on with a clean, sober life. A drug rehabilitation center may have its own space or building, and may be situated in a location that can be considered “out-of-the-way”. In other words, the only reason to be going there is for drug rehab or to visit someone who is at the center.
Some hospitals and/or medical centers devote entire wings or floors to the operation of a drug rehabilitation center. Access to these areas involves great restrictions. No one knows the patient is there unless the patient wants it to be known. Some facilities may only operate on an “outpatient” basis. In other words, a patient may have to go to one place for a brief stay, and then go to the center for counseling sessions and follow-up visits.
Others may offer both services: inpatient (or resident) and outpatient. In this way, a person who, once having made the important decision to receive the help offered by the drug rehabilitation center, desires to do so can simply utilize the same area.
No matter how the facility is set up, no matter where it is located, no matter whether or not a person can stay there for however long it takes for the rehabilitation process, or if the individual has to come and go, the drug rehabilitation center is there, and it’s available. If a person is dealing with a drug addiction, then that person should make the decision to go to the nearest one and do what has to be done to “kick the habit”, and get back on the road to recovery.