We are a drug and alcohol rehab referral service

Call to find a drug treatment center that meets your needs.

TheRehabAdvisor.com offers at no charge to you, an assessment and information that will help alcoholics, addicts, chronic relapse victims and their families find an effective treatment center and intervention service. There are thousands of drug rehabilitation and alcohol rehab centers, all offering a variety of treatment options. Our knowledgeable counselors at the TheRehabAdvisor.com know our nation’s addiction treatment centers, and can place you or your loved one in the center most appropriate for them. We can answer any questions you have about the intervention process, the cost of rehab, insurance and financing options.

What Will The Rehab Advisor do for you?

Our counselors will begin with a FREE confidential addiction treatment assessment to determine if you or your loved one would benefit from an inpatient residential program. We will explain the options for addiction treatment based on your assessment. Our experienced referral specialists can then answer your questions and based on your needs and resources, match you with the best possible rehabilitation center. Our goal is to help you find the right Rehab the first time.   Whether you have been in drug rehab multiple times, or if this is your first treatment program, it’s normal to be apprehensive about what to expect during drug rehab. There are so many different treatment options that without some good information, it is impossible to choose the rehab that is right for you and meets your needs.   Often, the number of treatment centers and referral sites on the web available is so large that an addict who sincerely wishes to recover becomes so confused and overwhelmed that they actually give up finding a treatment center rather than engaging in what seems like an endless maze of treatment options.   As many drug rehabs as there are – all differing in recovery approaches – top-quality programs of any type have some essential components and expectations in common. In order to maintain their certification, these crucial standards are common to all certified programs:

  • The one that you choose should share your views about how you cope with change, your personal values, and the degree, if any, of spirituality that may help you recover.

  • You have the absolute right to be treated with dignity and respect by the staff members. You may be an addict, but you are still a valuable person and should be treated accordingly.

  • The drug rehab of your choice is required by law to respect your privacy and confidentiality. You can sign release forms that allow disclosure of your treatment history to a spouse or relative of choice or your attorney, your physician, and a judge. However, your friends, co-workers have no need to know how your program is working for you. All centers adhere to these very strict rules of confidentiality (HIPPA)

  • Your counselor, and other staff members of your program, is likely to be in long-term recovery him/herself. Who is most empathetic in your recovery than another addict who once battled the same demons that you are facing and conquering? Your counselor may or may not disclose his/her history of addiction; you should respect your counselor’s privacy just as your own privacy is respected.

We will answer all of your questions about finding a drug and alcohol rehab or addiction treatment center that are important to you when choosing a program that will meet your needs. We have over the years forged relationships with hundreds of addiction rehabs and services throughout the US and Canada.

  • We will inform the facility of all of your needs and preferences.

  • We will help you with financing and arrange payment options.

  • We can match you with a facility that accepts your health insurance

  • We will help schedule your admittance, arrange flights and airport pick-up


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We will place you firmly on the road to recovery.