Whether you have been in addiction rehab three times, or if this is your first treatment program, it’s normal to be apprehensive about what to expect during addiction rehab. There are so many different types of addiction treatment and support groups; it is hard to make a decision about choosing the drug rehab that is right for you and meets your needs.
For example, here are some different types of addiction rehab programs:
- In-patient residential treatment programs (short or long-term)
- Outpatient intense treatment
- Medically supervised detoxification
- Cognitive behavioral style of treatment
- The Matrix Model for stimulant abusers
- Supportive-Expressive psychotherapy
- Motivational Enhancement style of treatment
- Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
- Behavioral therapy for adolescents
- Prison-based programs
- Support group recovery (Twelve Step programs)
- Rational Recovery
These are only a few of the treatment types and addiction rehab methods of recovery. Unfortunately, the number of treatments available is so large that an addict who sincerely wishes to recover is so confused, he/she gives up finding an addiction rehab rather than engaging in what seems like an endless maze of treatment options.
As many addiction rehabs as there are – all differing in recovery approaches – top-quality programs of any type have essential components and expectations in common. In order to maintain their certification as a drug rehab program, these crucial standards are common to all certified addiction rehab programs:
1) Your addiction rehab should be staffed with expert drug counselors. When you investigate a program, be sure to ask about the qualifications of staff members. They should have at least state-level credentials as a licensed addiction counselor, and national-level credentials are an additional bonus. In alcohol rehab, you are entitled to know that addiction therapists have appropriate qualifications to perform their jobs.
2) The addiction rehab that you choose should share your views about how you cope with change, your personal values, and the degree, if any, of spirituality that may help you recover.
3) You have an absolute right to be treated with dignity and respect by your addiction rehab staff members. You may be an addict, but you are still a valuable person and should be treated accordingly.
4) The addiction rehab of your choice is required by law to respect your privacy and confidentiality. You can sign release forms that allow disclosure of your treatment history to your next of kin, your attorney, your physician, and a judge. However, your spouse, children, and Uncle Nick have no need to know how your addiction rehab is working for you. The only legal exception to these very strict rules of confidentiality is if your counselor or physician has a reasonable belief that you are at risk for harming yourself and/or others.
5) Your addiction rehab counselor, and other staff members of your program, is likely to be in long-term recovery him/herself. Who is most empathetic in your recovery than another addict who once battled the same demons that you are facing and conquering? Your counselor may or may not disclose his/her history of addiction; you should respect your counselor’s privacy just as your own privacy is respected.
6) Your drug rehab should allow you to decline certain services that you don’t want, or that you believe you don’t need. For example, your addiction rehab program can recommend certain medications to help ease the discomfort of withdrawal symptoms, medications for depression and anxiety, medications to help you remain abstinent and medications that treat certain medical problems that are related to your addiction. An alcohol rehab program that meets your physical and emotional needs should never try to force you to take medications if you don’t wish to take them.
These are merely a few questions about finding an addiction rehab and/or recovery counselor that are important for you to ask about when choosing an addiction rehab program that will meet your needs. If you have access to the Internet, use your search engine to find addiction rehabs and services; read everything available about these programs, and leave an email message to request the addiction rehab’s information package, and/or ask for a staff member to return your call.
Following these simple, but essential, steps will place you firmly on the road to recovery!