Club Drugs Rehab Program
Club Drugs has become a widely used term for a number of illicit drugs and addictive drugs that are most commonly encountered at nightclubs and all-night parties called “raves”.
The main club drugs are MDMA, GHB, Ketamine, Rohyphnol, Methamphetamines, and LSD and are also referred to as: X, Adam, Ecstasy, G, Liquid Ecstasy, Georgia Home Boy, Roofie, Roche, Special K, K, Speed, Ice, Chalk, Meth, and Acid.
Many other drugs are generally available in the club and rave circuit,however these three drugs are more closely associated with clubs because that is where they are most frequently used. Club drugs have also been referred to as “date rape drugs.” They have do not have a taste, odor, or color associated with them. This makes them difficult to detect in drinks or food. Club drugs work on the same parts of the brain that alcohol does, making the use of the drugs in combination with alcohol dangerous. Side effects can include hallucinations, paranoia, amnesia, and even death. The effects vary from individual to individual making it difficult to predict the effect the drugs will have.
Many young teens and adults typically perceive club drugs as fun drugs or as harmless ways to enhance a fun experience. This is not true, club drugs are dangerous – especially when mixed with alcohol or other substances. Club drugs effect memory, sleep, and pain, they are stimulants and hallucinogens, and can cause serious side effects. The effects are sleep, comas, death, low blood pressure, drowsiness, dizziness, confusion, upset stomach, delirium, amnesia, depression, breathing difficulties, aggression, violence, psychotic behavior, lack of appetite, and flashbacks.
Club drugs are found most commonly in party and club settings, studies suggest that a majority of the drugs found at these parties are “impure” or altered. This makes them all the more dangerous.
A Club Drug Rehab Program will first treat an addict of club drugs by removing the drugs from their system. It is important to the overall success of a drug rehab program to provide counseling and life skills when the addict is through the withdrawal and has overcome most of the physical cravings of a substance.
Once a detoxification of the body has been completed and the individual is no longer experiencing strong withdrawal symptoms a psychological treatment can be started. Typically this consists of addiction counceling sessions, in either individual or group sesseions. The mental re-wiring of an individual is to re-learn behavior and coping strategies that will assist them in continuing on in a drug-free life after the club drug rehab program.