Drugs are chemicals that affect the neurochemical balance in the brain which directly affects how you feel and act. People who are suffering emotionally use drugs, not so much because of the rush, euphoria, novelty or excitement.They use them to escape from their problems. They are trying to self-medicate themselves out of or away from their problems such as loneliness, low self-esteem, unhappy relationships, and stress.  This is a pattern that inevitably leads to drug abuse and addiction. Researchers have found over 50 factors that could put a person at risk for drug use and drug addiction. These risk factors can be found with the individual, the family, peer groups, and broader community levels. They include things like having too much free time, weak family structures, peer group, social pressures, and the glorification of drug use by some in the popular media.
Indicators Of Drug Use In A Loved One
Find out how to recognize the signs and symptoms of drug abuse or addiction in yourself or someone you care about. When these problems are faced and thoughtfully addressed, there is hope for overcoming drug abuse and addiction. Bellow is a list of indicators to look for.
- Lying
- Weight loss
- Pinned pupils
- Dry/brittle hair
- Dilated pupils
- Changing friends
- Damaging property
- Noticeable hair thinning
- Funny smells on clothes
- Missing prescription drugs
- Fighting (physical and verbal)
- Unexplained drain on finances
- Alcoholic beverage bottles or cans
- Problems/changes in sleeping habits
- Seeds or leaves that look like dried herbs
- Sexual promiscuity and or lack of Sex Drive
- Withdrawal from hobbies, teams, family life
- Pale skin tone (most noticeable in the face)
- Changes in values, lack of ethics and morals
- Decreased coordination, slowed reaction time
- Increased appetite and/or decreased appetite
- Physical health problems (diseases, pains, etc.)
- Increased secrecy about possessions or activities
- Evidence of eye drops used to mask bloodshot eyes
- Marked change in behavior ranging from hostility to violence
- Bloodshot eyes, elevated blood pressure, increased heart rate
- Changes on passive behaviors vs. active behaviors (or vice versa)
- Problems with memory, difficulty concentrating, paranoid thinking
- New use of mouthwash or breath mints to cover up the smell of alcohol
- School performance, declining grades, increased absences, reported truancy
- Use of incense, room freshener, or perfume to hide smoke or chemical odors
- Heightened visual and auditory perceptions and increased sensitivity in taste
- Changes in energy level, having unusual amounts of energy or increased fatigue
- Paying bills late, collection agencies calling, inability to keep track of your money
- Subtle changes in conversations with friends, e.g. more secretive, using “coded” language
- Experiencing problems with friends, roommate(s), significant other, family members, professors, etc.
- Smells of substances (common substances are alcohol, and marijuana, which has a sweet, burnt odor)
- Cheeks start to sink in (i.e. face looks to tight and sunk in which is most associated with the use of Meth)
- Staying away form local residence, permanent home or peer group for long and unexplained periods of time
- Wearing new clothes that highlight drug use, or suggest inappropriate conduct, or lack of concern for appearance and grooming
- Evidence of use of inhalant products (such as hairspray, nail polish, correction fluid, common household products); Rags and paper bags are sometimes used as accessories
- Unusual requests for money without reasonable explanations for why they need it, discovering money has been stolen from your home or wallet, or finding objects missing which may have been sold to support a drug habit
Drug paraphernalia (rolling papers, bongs, pipes (metal/colorful glass), straitened paper clips with a residue on them, bent spoons, spoons with residue, short glass tubes (clean/dirty), brillow pads, tin foil, tubes, scales, plastic baggies (different sizes), glass viles w/ tops, metal screens for faucets, needles, cotton balls or qtips, cut straws, cigarette cellophane bags lying around with residue or a leafy substance in them, marijuana stems (looks almost like grape stems), butane lighters, torch lighters, and hand held blow torches, empty plastic film canisters, blunt wraps (cigar paper that is used for marijuana, but can also be laced with any drug (crushed and sprinkled on the pot), Razor blades (used to cut cocaine into lines to snort), mirrors, etc.)
Telltale Signs Of Drug Use Or Addiction
- Using drugs when alone
- Scheduling your day around using drugs
- Feeling remorse or guilt after using drugs
- Missing work or school, or going in late due to drug use
- Pro-use magazines (High Times, Cannabis Culture Magazine, etc…)
- Feeling annoyed when other people comment on, or criticize your use of drugs
- Continuing to use drugs even though you realize your job or education is in jeopardy
- Changing the time of day and location where the use of the substance normally occurs
- Being arrested, doing things that you would normally not do, such as stealing to obtain drugs
- Focusing recreational activities around obtaining drugs, using drugs, or recovering from drug use
- Continuing to use drugs even though you have health problems that are affected or caused by your drug use
- Associating with questionable acquaintances or frequenting out of your ordinary locations to purchase or use drugs
- Superficial logic and reasoning behind substance use (“Helps me deal with stress,” “It’s a social interaction,” or “I’m justmedicating my mental health issues.”)
What Can I Do About It?
Now that you have identified that there is a problem in you or someone you love or know. How do you get help. Contact us here at 866-332-8094. We are a referral service for drug addiction services. What we do is access your situation, advise you on your options and recommend a Drug Rehab Center or a course of action that will work for you. Our goal is to help you in any way we can and our services are free.