So you have determined you do have a substance abuse problem and you need alcohol rehabilitation. Perhaps you are extremely uncomfortable with the idea of support groups or clinical psychologists and counseling sessions.
There are many different approaches to the alcohol rehabilitation process. You can try weaning yourself off alcohol or quitting suddenly and completely. Some people are able to handle this do-it-yourself approach to alcohol rehabilitation, but generally those whose addictions have not progressed to full-blown alcoholism.
There are also several medications available to assist in the alcohol rehabilitation process:
Disufiram, or Antabuse – Approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 1949, this drug triggers highly adverse bodily reactions to alcohol. After drinking, a person taking this drug will experience sweating, severe nausea, upset stomach and chest pain.
Naltrexone, ReVia, Vivitrol and Depade – Reduces cravings for alcohol and feelings of satisfaction gained from alcohol.
Acamprosate, or Campral – Appears to control brain functioning that has been disrupted by alcohol consumption and help thinking patterns return to normal.
You can see a religious leader, consult a physician or educate yourself on the Internet. Ultimately, networking is a good idea for the mere sake of getting support in your alcohol rehabilitation journey and learning new sobriety strategies that have worked for others. If you are unable to slow or stop your drinking habits and, for instance, still find yourself coping with stress by turning to the bottle, you should probably seek special care.
If the cost and duration of inpatient drug rehabilitation centers are prohibitive, outpatient alcohol rehabilitation programs are also available. Ultimately, remember the first step in the alcohol rehabilitation process is swallowing your pride and asking for help before it is too late.
Alcohol Drug Rehab
Alcohol Drug Rehab is a drug rehab and alcohol rehabilitation treatment program or facility that provides a treatment program designed to help alcoholics and those suffering from alcoholism recover. There are many different types of alcohol and drug rehab programs available. The type of program that you require is dependent upon your individual situation, there are many alcohol referral programs available to assist you in selecting the best program to meet your needs.
Alcohol Rehabilitation Benefits
The benefits of an alcohol rehabilitation program are numerous. Rehabilitation programs provide an addict a safe and controlled environment in which to recover. The individual is assisted through the detoxification process and through withdrawal symptoms. Training and counseling is provided in order to keep individuals drug and alcohol free – for the long term. Individuals who complete a alcohol rehabilitation program have a much higher success rate in beating their addiction and staying drug and alcohol free.
When is Alcohol Rehabilitation Necessary?
An addict suffering from alcohol addiction or alcoholism is trapped in an alcohol addiction cycle that is a downward spiral. The addict may loose everything before they will admit to a problem or seek treatment. When an addict continues to use and abuse alcohol despite any negative consequences then an alcohol rehabilitation program may be necessary.
The Steps of Alcohol Rehabilitation
Some people quit “cold turkey.” We’ve all heard it “I just quit cold turkey and never looked back.” This idealistic scenario is in the exception rather than the rule, and usually applies to alcohol abusers, not full-blown alcoholics.
Alcoholism takes some time to develop. It is not an overnight thing. Nobody wakes up on any given day and decides this is the day to become an alcoholic. Similarly, alcohol rehabilitation is a process. As a matter of fact, it lasts a lifetime.
The resources an alcohol treatment center has to offer the patient and family during the alcohol rehabilitation process are immeasurably valuable.
They include:
- Detox – a painful and even dangerous process. It can be very helpful to have experts on hand to prescribe medication to help ease the transition from an alcohol-dependent life to one that is alcohol-free.
- Family or group therapy – Work through family issues, very often the cause or consequence of alcoholism.
- Individual counseling – Seek help with mental and emotional traumas from the past that may have been a cause or consequence of alcoholism.
- A safe, non-judgmental environment – It is so important to be removed from all temptation, especially in the early days of alcohol rehabilitation. An alcohol treatment center provides this, along with a friendly, supportive staff.
- New friends – A new social set may be the best change you could possibly make. Life changes are significant in alcohol rehabilitation to remove yourself from circles that previously knew you by your old, alcohol-addicted personality – especially if those friends’ habits pose a risk of relapse.
- Direction – The staff and counselors in an alcohol treatment center are trained to help you identify life goals and think forward to map out a goal achievement plan. They can also refer the patient and all interested family members or friends to good support groups that will help deal with respective issues.