The different drug rehab treatments
There are approximately 24 to 25 million Americans that are currently suffering with a drug abuse or drug addiction problem. Of that number, nearly 40% of them are in need of immediate professional help. Unfortunately, only 10% of that 24 to 25 million will wind up getting the help they are desperately in need of. If you are a part of that group that is in need of immediate help, it is important that you understand each of the different drug rehab treatments currently available.
Although the majority of the different drug rehab treatments out there offer similar services such as detoxification, counseling, recovery therapy, and support networks or aftercare programs, there are significant differences to be aware of. The following will give you an idea of the types of drug rehab programs that are currently available:
In-patient or residential treatment – those programs that require the individual to move into their facility for entering one of their addiction treatment and recovery programs are known as in-patient or residential drug rehab. These programs are ideal for the individual who is suffering with a more severe addiction as they will receive 24 hour a day care and supervision during their stay in the facility.
Out-patient treatment – those drug rehab programs that offer services during regular daytime hours but allow the individual to return home in the evenings are called out-patient treatment programs. These programs are ideally designed for those individuals who are the sole parent or guardian of children in the home and have weekly responsibilities such as pursuing their education or working a full-time job.
The need for an addiction treatment referral service
As the number of substance abuse and addiction issues has grown, we have witnessed a dramatic increase in the number of drug rehab treatments and the facilities that offer them in order to counteract this dilemma. Unfortunately, this has become a double-edged sword in the fact that it is now quite a challenge for the addicted individual to select the best program to effectively meet their personal needs. As a result, we developed our addiction treatment referral service to help these individuals and ease their frustration in the process.
The Rehab Advisor is the premier addiction treatment referral service in the US with a listing of all the successful drug rehab facilities throughout every state. By conducting a simple assessment interview, we can determine which one will be the most effective one for addressing your specific needs. If you or a loved one is suffering with a drug abuse or addiction problem, we encourage you to contact us today.
Call us at the toll-free phone number listed above or you can get more information about our drug rehab treatments today.